900 Years Ochsenhausen Monastery
In Ochsenhausen, south of Ulm, lies one of the most beautiful swabian baroque monasteries. On the occasion of its 900th anniversary, an exhibition on the history of the monastery, from secularization to the present day, was held in the monastery’s cellarium. Six massive columns divide this room into 12 vaulted sections.
Our exhibition concept, which emerged from an invited competition, places a large blue cube in the center of each vault field. Showcase slots in the cubes create space for lying exhibits, the space next to them is used for pictures and hanging exhibits. All exhibition texts are screen-printed onto 1.70 x 1.20 m glass panels, and these are fixed at a slight distance in front of the display cases. Each cube thus forms its own small spatial structure within the room.
This modular concept appropriately presents a wide variety of exhibits such as oil paintings, manuscripts and documents, archaeological finds, scientific instruments, agricultural models, pewter figures, etc., each gathered around an aspect of the monastery’s history.
Baden-Wuerttemberg State-Exhibition
Invited competition, design, planning and implementation, exhibition catalog, invitations, posters.
200 m2